What To Expect From Party Personnel

You’ll find a number of hospitality staffing agencies within most major metropolitan markets. Following are some considerations that hotel and banquet managers, and even those hosting private parties at their home, should heed when using companies that provide temporary servers or bartenders:

Does the staffing company have proper documentation? 
They should be fully insured and bonded. They should be responsible for liability insurance, Worker’s Compensation, paying overtime, paying accurately, hiring legally, billing accurately and willing to be audited.

Can you easily reach company representatives by phone and do they return calls promptly? 
It is crucial if there are last-minute issues, especially if you might need additional staffing for your event.

What is their fill ratio? 
That is the number of staff that shows up compared to what is promised. If you don’t know a company’s dependability, you might be left hanging when crunch time arrives.

Is the company willing to turn down work if it can’t adequately handle it? 
A company must be willing to say “no” rather than irresponsibly staffing the event just to make the sale.

Will the company “build” a dedicated staff for your facility? 
If you have ongoing staffing needs, the company should be willing to train staff for your facility and/or specific type of event.


Email: mary@partypersonnelkc.com

Phone: 913-312-7361